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Financial Aid

The A-Tech has a Financial Aid Specialist on staff to assist you in locating the most appropriate source of financial aid.  Financial Aid is only available to those who qualify.


These are non-repayable federal grants that provide students with funding to assist with school expenses. Pell grants are need-based and have various federal guidelines. Students must be enrolled in a full-time training program to qualify.  See below on how to complete the FAFSA online.   Our school code is 015449.


These loans are federally funded and two types are available. Subsidized Loans are need based, Un-subsidized Loans are not. Both types must be repaid and students must be enrolled in a full-time training program to qualify for either type. 

Programs under 600-hours in length are not eligible for Title IV funding. Only private educational loans are available for those who qualify.

  • Eligibility criteria varies depending on the private student loan lender.
  • Most common lenders don’t charge any fees on private loans.
  • Private loan lenders offer a variety of flexible repayment options including deferment. The student makes a repayment choice when completing the loan application. 


Several payment plans have been designed to fit the needs of the student for both full-time and part-time programs.  Just ask the Workforce Development Department.


This agency provides financial assistance to economically disadvantaged, unemployed, under-employed, dislocated workers and displaced homemakers.  You may be eligible for tuition assistance through the Workforce Investment Act – WIA.   Contact 440-994-1234 for more information.


All persons who hold a Golden Buckeye Card will be given a 10% reduced tuition rate for any part-time (under 100 hour course) they attend.


Certain programs are eligible for veterans benefits. Approximately 85% of our students receive some form of financial aid. To see what types of financial aid you may qualify for, please call our them at 440-992-6014 or ask our financial aid department


All tuition and fees are due at the beginning of full-time training programs. However, all students participating in the Federal Financial Aid programs are allowed to attend classes while their aid is being finalized. Any money due to A-Tech will be credited to their account directly from the Federal Financial Aid programs before any monies are disbursed to the student. To register, all students must pay a $50 registration fee. All part-time courses must be paid before course start date. If course fees are employer-paid, a company authorization or notification must be submitted.  If the student leaves their employment and the employer discontinues tuition payment, the student is responsible for the payment of any remaining tuition. Full-time students must have an approved financial aid package prior to attendance.


see our catalog

OHIO Department of Job & Family Services

You may be eligible for tuition assistance under Trade Adjustment Act (TAA)/Trade Readjustment Act (TRA) Funds. TAA/TRA funds are available to “dislocated workers” to pursue training. To complete the referral process and eligibility determination, contact your local Ohio Job & Family Services. The phone number for Ashtabula County is 440-994-1234.  Bureau of Worker’s Compensation Rehabilitation (BWCR) – BWCR is a State of Ohio agency responsible for rehabilitation of workers injured physically, mentally and/or emotionally on the job. BWCR’s referral process and eligibility determination will be assessed by assigned care managers. The Ashtabula County phone number is: 440-964-3224  Nurse Education Assistance Loan Program – LPN students only. Contact the financial aid office at 440-576-6015 for an application. Deadline date is June 30.  If you are planning on completing your FAFSA online – please access their website:
  • TAA – Training Assistance Act
    Ohio Department of Job and Family Services – 440-992-2132
  • BVR – Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
    Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission – 800-251-2365
  • VA – The Veterans Administration – 440-992-6014
  • PRC – Preventative Retention Contingency – 440-998-1110
  • WIA – Workforce Investment Act – 440-994-1234
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