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Aspire HSE Testing

Aspire: Learn More. Earn More.

The Ashtabula County Adult Basic & Literacy Education Aspire Program offers FREE

  • basic skills, GED preparation and transition to adult ed/college classes
  • day and evening classes at sites throughout Ashtabula County
  • help to improve your math, reading or writing skills for work or to help with your child’s homework
  • classes to learn to speak, read and write English

Click here to learn more about Ashtabula County Aspire’s FREE classes, how to find an Aspire Adult Learning Center near you and tips on how to “Stay on Track” to achieve your goals.

The Ashtabula County Technical & Career Center offers services to adults that can assist you in your pursuit of a better job, greater income potential and ultimately a better life for you and your family. 

If you are in need of an Ohio High School Equivalence Diploma

Special Services, Information, Practice Tests & Applications are available at ALL Aspire Adult Learning Centers. The Ashtabula County Technical and Career Campus is the only Official GED® Testing Center in Ashtabula County. Applications & authorization must be completed before scheduling the test. 

Practice GED Test Fee $6.00 per section)
Official GED Test Fee $120.00 ($30.00 per section)



When you are ready to take the Official GED® Test:

1. You can ONLY sign up for the Official GED® Test by going to and completing an official GED application.  PLEASE do not be fooled by FAKE on-line tests.  ONLY go to (put this in your address bar, not the search bar) to sign up. You will need an active email address to sign up. 

If you do not have an email address, consider going to free email services such as Gmail or Outlook to create one. (NOTE: A-Tech does not endorse any email providers. These are listed as a convenience to you). Be sure to write the email address and password down, keep it somewhere safe and where it can easily be found.

2. There are four (4) parts to the GED Test: 

  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Reasoning through Language Arts. 

The Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts sections of the test require long and short extended answers (essays).

3. You are able to take one section of the test at a time. We recommend that you consider taking no more than two sections at a time in order to give yourself the proper opportunity to be fully prepared and ready. You may wish to consider taking Math and Science together and Language Arts and Social Studies together.

4. Unlike the former GED test, the new version requires general background knowledge and vocabulary in each of the four areas. We highly recommend Aspire’s FREE GED Prep classes to help you to be fully prepared for the test as well as for adult education, college and/or the job market.

5. Computer skills are essential to being successful on the test. You will be required to highlight and drag information, select answers in drop-down menus, click on ‘hot spots’ to show answers and to type and edit essays/extended answers.

6. The cost for each of the four (4) sections of the test is $30 or $120 for the entire test. The State of Ohio GED® Voucher System is providing all first-time applicants in Ohio with an $80 voucher to help defray the cost of the test. 

When you complete your application at and it is time for you to make a PAYMENT, you will be asked if you wish to participate in Ohio’s $80 Voucher System. If you do not, you are responsible for the full cost of the test. If you wish to receive the $80 Voucher, there are a few steps to follow and you will receive your voucher by email with-in 3 business days.

Keep your email voucher safe and secure throughout the application process. If you have already completed an official GED test application, complete the . If the link does not work, please call the Aspire office at 440-576-5599 to receive your Voucher Application

7. The Official GED® Test now provides successful test-takers with two (2) possible certificates. One is the basic High School Equivalence Diploma, showing that you have the same educational skills, abilities and knowledge as a high school graduate. The other is an equivalence Diploma with an advanced “college-ready” certificate or GED with Honors, that shows that you are ready for college and/or adult education classes.

8. PLEASE DO NOT be fooled by on-line website scams that try to trick you into paying for unrecognized, and phony GED’s. The Official GED® Test can be taken ONLY at an Official GED® Testing Center.  The Ashtabula County Technical and Career Campus is the only Official GED® Testing Center in Ashtabula County.

GED® Test Voucher


If you have any questions on the Ohio $80 GED® Voucher process or would like more information on the Official GED® Test, Aspire Classes, or A-Tech’s Adult Education Training Programs, please contact Jenna Call in the A-Tech Aspire Office.

  • Email [email protected]  Please be sure to include in the e-mail your full name, address, a phone number and your information request,
  • Call 440-576-5599
  • Mail a letter to A-Tech Aspire Program, 1565 State Route 167, Jefferson, Ohio 44047

The Ashtabula County Technical & Career Center does not discriminate on the basis or race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

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