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Become a Student

Apply Now

  1. Participate in the A-Tech Showcase – fill out the Showcase form provided at orientation, have your parents sign it and return it to your guidance counselor.
  2. Complete an Application by clicking this link.
If you have questions, call 440-576-6015 ext 1115 to speak with Career Pathways Coordinator Amanda Schumann.

General Information

Admissions Information:

Any sophomore or junior student living with his/her parents or legal guardian in an A-Tech home school district can apply to A-Tech.

Class Fees:

A-Tech does not charge tuition for secondary students enrolled in high school programs. However, students pay a fee for materials and any personal tools that are required. Students may be required to purchase uniforms and/or workbooks if necessary for the program. No student will be denied the opportunity to attend this school because of the inability to pay fees.

Our Instructors:

The Ohio Department of Education certifies all A-Tech instructors.  They earn their certification
in two ways, depending on the area of instruction:
  1. A bachelor's degree in education.
  2. College course work and a minimum of five years experience in a specific field.
Our programs also have advisory committees consisting of local employers and employees from the related field of study.  The committees help instructors keep programs current so those students can be ready for entry level employment.

Procedures For New Students With Disabilities:

  1. These procedures shall apply to any student with disability newly enrolled in the Ashtabula County Career & Technical Center (“A-Tech”).
  2. When a student with a disability enrolls at A-Tech, the Special Education Coordinator assigned to the student shall take reasonable steps to promptly obtain the student’s records, including the IEP or Section 504 Plan and supporting documents and any other records relating to the provision of special education or related services to the student, from the student’s school district of residence. These steps shall include, but are not limited to, (1) sending a written request for the student’s records and (2) calling the student’s school district of residence in the event the records are not submitted after the written request.
  3. Within a reasonable time after a student with a disability enrolls at A-Tech, the Special Education Coordinator assigned to the student will schedule a meeting with relevant staff to discuss what disability-related aids and services the student requires, the requirements of the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan and to determine how the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan will be implemented in A-Tech’s program.
  4. If modifications to the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan are necessary in order to adapt the plan to A-Tech’s program, the Special Education Coordinator assigned to the student will reconvene the student’s IEP or Section 504 team. Moreover, the Special Education Coordinator will ensure that any placement decisions regarding the student conform to the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are made by a group of persons (1) knowledgeable about the student, (2) the meaning of any relevant evaluation data, and (3) placement options. A representative from the student’s school district of residence is to be invited to all IEP or Section 504 team meetings.
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